jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

integrante #1

I was born in March is of 1994 in Texcoco,Mexico at 12:45am. I have two brothers, my sister has 21 years and my bother has 10 year old.
My name is Monserrat Muñoz Diaz, Im 16 years old, I study in the High School Incoporated to the Normal of Texcoco.
My family is so unit and funny. In 1997 had my 3 years party; in the 2001 I did my first communion in thhe primary a meet to my best friend her name is rocio whit she play all the days and speak all the time she was like my sister; In the 2009 I do my XV years party.

I like listen music, see movies like humor and scary, play x-box, to chat, play basketball and talk with my friends all the time.

I dislike the homeworks, do the dishes, take out the garbage, dom my bed and others things.

When I was kid i had a dog named "bombon" whit I played so much time and he dead when I was 7 after went from vacations. this was terrible!!!

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