viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

integrante # 9

My name is Fatima Rodrgiuez Martinez i was born the 7 jule of 1994, i was to the kinder garden when i was 5 years, was named: "Izcoatl"my firts teacher was the teacher Fabiola Martinez my best friends were: Prisca and Nancy, my elementary school was the "Ignacio Zaragoza" my best teacher was the teacher Julio Sanchez Mendoza and Alejandra Hernandez, my best friends was Olga. my juniors school was the school "Moisez Saenz" I liked listen music, ate chocolates and cakes, and stay alone, my best friend was Anayeli. my first teacher was Simon Sanchez Velazquez.

I like listen musci like the pop, go to the school, travel, eat, and cry.

I dislike: the cries, the babies, and clean my house, and stay long time wake and work so much.

my favorite subject is: razonamiento complejo and trigonometria and my favortie food is the soap with cream

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